HISPANIC AWARENESS PROJECTWou provide our legal information documents in Spanish. We also offer community presentations on legal aid in Spanish at community events and organizations. Neighbor For Neighbor Legal Clinic provides legal services in uncontested civil areas, regardless of age, place of residence, or income level. University of Tulsa Legal Clinic Tulsa law students and faculty provide legal services to underserved segments of the community. Oklahoma Free Legal Answers Send in your legal questions and a pro bono lawyer will get back to you for free. Sponsored by the Oklahoma Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the Oklahoma Supreme Court Access to Justice Commission. Our lawyers are available to assist with civil law matters for Women in Recovery participants. Click here for information on WIR program requirements. Oklahoma Lawyers for America`s Heroes program provides free legal advice and assistance to serving soldiers as well as veterans. Visit www.okbarheroes.org for more information. Legal services under Title III-B of the Older Americans Act (OAA) are provided through grants to states authorized by the OAA. Community Living, Aging and Protective Services (CAP) distributes and monitors subsidies for services. Legal aid protects older persons from attacks on their independence, freedom of choice and financial security.

Aging Services contracts with 11 Regional Aging Agencies (AAAs) in Oklahoma to provide free legal services to residents 60 years of age and older. Regional Agencies on Aging In Oklahoma, legal services are provided to AAAs through Oklahoma, Inc. Legal Aid Services. These legal services are specifically for “older persons with economic or social needs”. Legal assistance for Oklahoma seniors includes extended policies, powers of attorney, wills, debts, Social Security disability, eviction, consumer financial matters, estate planning, and grandparent issues, to name a few. Oklahoma Legal Aid Services – 60+ Oklahoma Senior Legal Aid Services – OK-SPLASH Senior Helpline Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma is a non-profit law firm. We are here for you because we believe that access to the legal system is just as important as food, shelter and clothing. AGRICULTURAL WORKER RIGHTS PROJECTThe International Assistance Agricultural Workers Rights Project provides civil legal assistance to farm workers and their families in Oklahoma. This project is based on our law firm in Oklahoma City.

Through a medical-legal partnership, the MLPC lawyer can help patients navigate complex government and community systems that may contain solutions to the social determinants of health. Examples include income support for food-insecure families, protection from closure during the winter months, and removal of mold from asthma homes. Services can be used by patients at the clinic through social workers. HOMELESS LEGAL AID PROJECTThe project helps solve the legal problems of people who are homeless or about to become homeless. Both the Tulsa and Oklahoma City law firms have plans to help the homeless. Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma is a non-profit organization that provides civil legal assistance to low-income individuals throughout Oklahoma. Trinity Legal Services provides low-cost legal assistance to people in financial difficulty in the greater Oklahoma City area. Law students and professors at Oklahoma City University`s American Indian Wills Clinic provide free legal assistance in estate planning to Native Americans. Find information and apply for legal help at OKLegalConnect.org Community Living`s legal services developer, Aging and Protective Services (CAP) provides national leadership to improve the quality and quantity of legal services for people 60 and older in Oklahoma. The Legal Services Developer provides advice, technical support, information and referrals, as well as training on legal issues for older Oklahomans and those who support and defend them. Learn more about help here: www.legalaidok.org/senior-legal-help or call the OK-SPLASH line: 918-308-5295 or 1-855-488-6814 IMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICESLASO can assist lawful permanent residents with naturalization/citizenship and lawful permanent resident green card renewal.

LASO also assists in applying for legal status under the Violence against Women Act; U visas for victims of serious crimes such as domestic violence or sexual assault; and T visas for victims of human trafficking. LASO also offers “Know Your Rights” presentations, references to other services. CALL 405-488-6792, please leave a message with your name and phone number. Our goal is to provide free legal services to low-income individuals and eligible seniors. Legal aid never charges an “advance fee” for services. If you live in Oklahoma and need legal help with a civil law issue, you`ve come to the right place. We ask you questions about your income, the number of people in your household and your legal problem. After receiving all the necessary information, legal aid may decide to take charge of your file. If you are struggling with a civil law problem or if you do not understand your legal rights, there is hope. If you qualify as a low-income person, LASO lawyers and paralegals can help you in civil and non-criminal matters. What types of cases do we accept? We help with civil law matters such as foreclosure, relational violence and divorce, debt collection, bankruptcy, eviction and social security incapacity. Legal Aid lawyers and paralegals can help you with civil and non-criminal matters involving basic needs.